Sunday, 28 January 2018

A Time and a Place......

Another story from our Library. You see we all have favourite authors, and you can avidly seek new titles from them on the shelves of Colchester Library. But what happens when you stray to an adjacent book? I was looking for Rose Tremain, and lo and behold next to her was Colchester's own Liz Trenow. So I tried her 'The Silk Weaver' and found it excellent. It evoked a time and a place (Spitalfields, 1760s) without getting bogged down, told a good story but with enough well-researched historical detail. I shall be seeking-out more - and Liz has a new book out which she will be talking about at Waterstone's in Colchester at 7 pm. this Monday (29th Jan.). If, like me, you can't make that she is also appearing at the Essex Book Festival in March. See you there!

And Rose Tremain? - 'Sound and Silence' is magnificent.

Song - I Could Write a Book - O. V. Wright from my much-played 1983 compilation on Charly Records
Sadly no Liz Trenow last week - but grab 'Music and Silence'

Monday, 22 January 2018

At the Library...Again!

New Date 29th Jan.
So sorry if anyone booked for the play at the Library last Monday (15th). Sadly the touring theatre company's van broke down and the show was cancelled. The good news is that it has been re-arranged for Monday 29th January, 7pm at Colchester Library. So let's make their trip worthwhile by supporting them - tickets only £7 from Librarian Theatre website. Here's hoping they have a more reliable van.

Song...The Voyage - Christy Moore and Johnny Duhan. Let's hope they have a safe one!

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Thank you for the Music...

Joe Stilgoe at a previous RRM gig

Eclectic is my middle name...just 'cause the devil has all the best tunes doesn't mean we can't enjoy divine music in so many ways. And here in Colchester we can enjoy the best Classical music anywhere thanks to the great team at Roman River Music. Orlando Jopling curates an increasingly confident programme of just the best music you'll hear anywhere, using our own Mercury theatre as a venue for truly World-class gigs - the next is on 6th February, when the Endellion Quartet play music by Beethoven, Mozart, Webern and Tchaikovsky. The Endellion have a residency at that bastion of London Classical music, Wigmore hall. Tickets there cost significantly more than at the Mercury, before you even think of the train fare. So book now via this link to avoid missing out!.... See you there, and also at the May gig featuring the great pianist Imogen Cooper.

Song - of course Abba - Thank you for the music! - a version from Swedish TV, with banter in Swedish before and after!

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Public Library and other stories......

It's good to see our Libraries in Essex faring a little better than in some areas, but they still need our love and support, so whenever I'm in town I try to pop in and see what's on. And this time I found a interesting-sounding play by the aptly-named Librarian Theatre which will be performed---in the Library! So why not book tickets (just £7) or pop along on Monday 15th January to support two good things...Libraries and Live Theatre! See you there.....

Song..I give you two versions of  At the Library - Green Day
If you want to know what it was like in the days of 'Punk' then try this one, from 1992, amazing since it dates from before the ubiquitous mobile phone footage. Or try this cover, which combines some passion with audible lyrics. Left-handed too!
A fine modern British author, available free from Colchester Library (when I've returned it!)